Interview with Joseph Crawford (Darryl) Me and My Shadow…

Interview: Interview with Joseph Crawford

Me and My Shadow…

TW: Things that you like about your character’s personality are:

Joseph. – His ambition, imagination, and the fact that underneath he is good-natured and faithful.

TW: Things you dislike about your character’s personality are:

Joseph. – His foolishness, arrogance at times, and his cowardice.

TW: Things you like about your character’s costume are:

Joseph. – Darryl’s gone through many costume changes that are quite dramatic. I like his flair but I think his costumes are a little awkward. I love the black hair and silver/white mohawk. That was fun!

TW: Things you dislike about your character’s costume are:

Joseph. – I’m not sure about the corset thing. Breathing is important!! His brown hair look got a bit out of hand. Very fluffy.

TW: You relate/do not relate to your character because…

Joseph. – I can relate to Darry’s awkwardness and stuggles to fit in. I also understand his great dreams for himself and his desire to be a good actor and showman!

TW: What do you think you have brought to your character to give him more depth/reality?

Joseph. – I think I brough a sense of depth and compassion to a mixed-up character who, despite his shallow and sometimes sleazy background, might just have the heart of a mallrat.

TW: What has your character taught you?

Joseph. – One thing that Darryl does which is sometimes an advantage is that the guy never gives up. He does this out of naivety but it’s an admirable asset all the same. Darryl is always pretending to be what he’s not. I notice that this simply weakens him every time. Strength is found in truth. Don’t be Darryl who can’t decide what to be. Be yourself! It sounds simple but it’s not.