Inteview with Calen Maiava-Paris (MEGA) Behind the Makeup…

Interview: Inteview with Calen Maiava-Paris

Behind the Makeup…

TW: What colour are your eyes?

Calen. – Brown

TW: What do you do to take care of your skin?

Calen. – Nothing.

TW: What do you do to take care of your health?

Calen. – Nothing

TW: Are you concerned about your looks given the business you are in?

Calen. – No.

TW: Would you consider putting on or losing a lot of weight for a part?

Calen. – Yep


TW: Do you think that weight and looks should be important in the film business or do you think that there’s too much pressure put on actors to look a certain way?

Calen. – Good looks shouldn’t be important.