Tribe News

News: 19th August 2002

TRIBE 4 in the USA – 2 weeks to go!!!

Tribe 4 is due to start screening on September 2nd 2002. Meet the new characters including Ram, Jay, Ved, Java and Siva. Read up on these characters in the Who’s Who section

Check out the Starz Encore website for screening times


Atlantis High is also due to start airing on WAM in the USA on September 2nd 2002 at 8.00pm.

Imagine a world where aliens rule supreme, bronzed hunks and beauty queens mingle with secret agents and superheroes, and the Underworld takes on a whole new meaning.

Check out the Official Atlantis High website

SOME FANTASTIC TRIBEWORLD ACTION THIS WEEKŠ is constantly being updated so please keep checking in for what else is new.

The Nana was hiding in the A section of the Encyclopedia page last week. This little guy is hiding somewhere on the website – see if you can find him this week.

Until next week,

Stay Tribal and Keep the Dream Alive…