Tribemaster Message # 72 – The attack is planned


Tribemaster knows all about the planned attack by the Mallrats. Tribemaster is worried about where each persons loyalties lie. Tribemaster thinks some people are secretly batting for the other team but Tribemaster hasn’t been able to figure out which are genuine and which aren’t.

Tragedy could be on the cards for the Mallrats – Tribemaster will do as much as Tribemaster can. If everyone sticks together the casualties will be low.

Tribemaster hears that Taisan is back – or never left. Does this mean that other Mallrats are around? Tribemaster knows there is a surprise in store for everyone…

Keep the dream alive,


Nobody knows the real identity of “Tribemaster” but one thing’ s for sure – “it” lives in Sector 9 of the city and sends updates, gossip and information from Tribeworld, and we are publishing “its” messages here on the Official Tribe website.

On occasion, you might even be able to talk or find some messages from Tribemaster on the bulletin board. If it is safe to do so, Tribemaster will do its best to answer any questions – and who knows, one day the revelation might even be given to the question that is now being asked around the world – what is Tribemaster? Who is Tribemaster?