Tribe News

Message from Ray about the upcoming The Tribe Computer Game!

We have a message from Ray with a latest update about the brand new, upcoming computer game of The Tribe below….

The Tribe Computer Game is coming soon - an update from the team

Hey Tribeworld. A belated very Happy New Year to all Tribal brothers and sisters around the world. I hope 2022 is filled with good health, happiness, and peace. I just wanted to give an update to let you know that we’re running a few days late on the release of The Tribe Game and I’ve had to take a decision today and wanted to advise that we need about another 10 days before we can release, and therefore the release date will now be February 5th. The reason for this is primarily down to Covid. We’ve thankfully only had one member of the team down with Covid (fully recovered now though) but we have had various people playtesting the game (as is normal pre-release) and have been struggling to fix some technical issues because we had an internet problem in Australia and simply couldn’t get the technicians in to fix the issue simply because our service provider is suffering from staff being away due to the Omicron rise (I know it’s affecting all areas around the world – but it’s been pretty intense here in Queensland where I’m currently housed – rather than New Zealand due to travel restrictions).

The Tribe Game Ebony

The good news is we’re back up and running and I had hoped we could reach our original 25th deadline, but I wanted to do one other playtest with our team (all based around the world who are using different computers so we can get an accurate reading on how the game is playing). So it may well be that we will be ready just in a few days, but as a safety, I just want to allow some time for final polishing and brushstrokes. We’re 99% there now. So my apologies. Thank you for your understanding and support, and I’ll have the team put a new clock on the release, which to reiterate is an exclusive preview through Tribeworld (we are still looking at early March for the global release on outlets such as Steam). Stay safe and keep well.

Much love to you all.



You can now pre-order a copy of The Tribe Computer Game from The Tribe’s official Shopify Store.