Name Siva Series Series 4 and 5 Tribe The Technos Biography Like her sister, JAVA, Siva is betrothed as one of RAM’s “girls” and carries considerable influence in the Technos. But unlike JAVA, Siva is not content with this – she fears RAM for his anger and jealousy and doesn’t like being anybody’s “property”. Siva … Continue reading SIVA


Name Jay Series Series 4 and 5 Tribe The Technos Biography Jay is RAM’s general in the Technos and is renowned and respected for his brilliant strategies and practical thinking. He supervises all security matters for the Technos and ground operations in the city. Jay hopes the Technos can use their technical expertise and skills … Continue reading Jay


Character Name Lottie Series Series 5 Tribe Unknown Biography A petty thief who is originally coaxed to stay at the Saloon by Ruby in order to lift a revealing notebook of Lex’s. Friendly and cute but also wild, unkempt and urchin like. Something of a kleptomaniac, always pinching something – whether it be the important … Continue reading Lottie


Name Darryl Series Series 5 Tribe Unknown Biography Darryl is a friendly enough person, very human and quite vulnerable. He appears vain at times but this can probably be attributed to a lack of self confidence. He is easily swayed by complements and is deeply hurt by rejection. He longs to be popular and successful, … Continue reading Darryl