Tribe Series 3 – Episode 1 and 2

LEX and BRAY lie motionless under their crashed vehicle. LUKE and his CHOSEN scan the bodies amongst the wreckage and head back to the Mall to report the news that LEX and BRAY are dead! Back at the Mall, the GUARDIAN presides over the chained and terrified Mall Rats. A traitorous TRUDY queens it over … Continue reading Tribe Series 3 – Episode 1 and 2

Tribe Series 3 Episode 3 and 4

The power and chaos is getting to BRAY. ELLIEís got the guilts about JACK being taken away ñ itís all her fault, isnít it? The GUARDIANís furious when he learns the Supreme Mother has undermined his authority. But TRUDY claims she did it only to win them over with kindness. The Guardian`s not convinced. What … Continue reading Tribe Series 3 Episode 3 and 4

Tribe Series 3 Episode 7 and 8

BRAY’s violent storming of their leader’s tent angers the Gaian Tribe. Mall Rats are not welcome here. Inside, BRAY demands a proper explanation from AMBER. Doesn’t she care about her old friends who are in danger? But it’s strictly a Tribe Council decision. AMBER’s tormented by flashbacks and BRAY just doesn’t get it. He wants … Continue reading Tribe Series 3 Episode 7 and 8

Tribe Series 3 Episode 9 and 10

ALICE condemns MAY, PATSY and especially SALENE for their novice Zoot worship. SALENE’s adamant that she’s faking it, but what about MAY? Is she pretending too? BRAY, DAL, AMBER/EAGLE and her GAIAN tribe plan to rescue the Mall Rats. Relying almost entirely on the element of surprise the rebels have one shot only. PRIDE scouts … Continue reading Tribe Series 3 Episode 9 and 10

Tribe Series 3 Episode 11 and 12

Star Traitor, CLOE, infiltrates the Mall Rat Novice clique and no one suspects a thing. Supreme Traitor, MAY, schemes with the GUARDIAN to catch BRAY and the rebels. PRIDE teaches DAL how to make a loaf, and AMBER/EAGLE gets inspired. But her plan depends on EBONY who’s just flown the coop, bitter at BRAY’s treatment … Continue reading Tribe Series 3 Episode 11 and 12

Tribe Series 3 Episode 15 and 16

ELLIE composes a new anti-Chosen leaflet, but her sister questions the wisdom of it so soon after LUKE’s warning. And why did LUKE let ELLIE off anyway; does he fancy her or something? The GUARDIAN tells TRUDY she is not fit to be Supreme Mother. Rejected and humiliated, TRUDY spins out. LUKE becomes concerned for … Continue reading Tribe Series 3 Episode 15 and 16

Tribe Series 3 Episode 17 and 18

TRUDY escaped. The Mall Rats are pleased at their success. But what’ll happen to them now? LIEUTENANT LUKE tells ELLIE not to worry – he’ll cover for them. BRAY and PRIDE return to Rebel HQ with TRUDY. LEX is appalled, but EBONY sees an opportunity; they have the Supreme Mother. LUKE reports the news of … Continue reading Tribe Series 3 Episode 17 and 18